
Sila in the desert

A sílā, sometimes spelled si’la or si’lat, is a spiritual being prevalent within Islam and Arabic folklore. It is female and is mainly known for using magical powers to entice or trick men. It is considered to be similar to a witch from Western cultures. It is a type of jinn. Just like the other jinns, sílā, … Read more


Mamlambo under the sea a mermaid type creature with a woman's upper body and a fish tail.

Mamlambo is a mythical shape-shifting water spirit or river goddess in Xhosa and Zulu (South African) mythology. It may manifest as a freshwater reptile-fish monster or a mermaid (woman-fish chimera). According to folklore, Mamlabo lives in the Mzintlava River (Umzimvubu River) near Mount Ayliff township (eMaxesibeni) in the Eastern Cape Province. Description Mamlambo as a … Read more


The Cherufe as a looming and giant lava humanoid creature.

The Cherufe is an evil demonic entity in Chilean folklore. The demon lives in the volcanoes of Chile. The legend of the Cherufe originated among the native Araucanian tribes who live in the valleys and basins of south-central Chile between the Biobío River in the north and the Toltén River in the south. The Araucnian … Read more


a blue-skinned Maero overlooks a mountain range

The Maero (Maeroero or Mairoero) are a race of forest beings or wild men from the folklore of the Maori of New Zealand. The Maori describe the Maero as a humanoid race native to the mountainous forests of the Tararua Ranges on the North Island of New Zealand. They also lived in the Fiordland National … Read more

Mogollon Monster

The Mogollon Monster seen here as a very large humanoid/ape hybrid in a mountain scene

The Mogollon Monster is a Bigfoot-like cryptid from the folklore of Arizona. It is allegedly native to the wooded areas of east, central, and southeast Arizona, along the Mogollon Rim, where most sightings occurred. The Mogollon rim, from which the monster gets its name, is a 2,000-foot escarpment that stretches 200 miles eastward across central … Read more

Loveland Frog

The Loveland Frog seen in a gloomy forest, its a humanoid with frog-like features including bulbous yellow eyes

The Loveland Frog is an alleged froglike humanoid native to Ohio. Reports of the cryptid come from Loveland, a city 25 miles northwest of Cincinnati split between three counties: Hamilton, Clermont, and Warren in southwest Ohio. Locals claim the Loveland Frog lives along the marshy banks or inside the Little Miami River. Some describe the … Read more


Popobawa seen with its bat-like wings and head resting on a forest floor

Popobawa is an evil spirit (shetani) in the folklore of Zanzibar. Zanzibar is part of the United Republic of Tanzania in East Africa. It is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean consisting of several islands, including Zanzibar (also known as Unguja) and Pemba Islands. Recurrent episodes of Popobawa mass hysteria in Zanzibar reportedly originated on … Read more


The Hibagon, seen here as large white furred ape-like creature walking through a oriental mountain scene in autumn.

The Hibagon is a Bigfoot-like cryptid from Japanese folklore. Cryptozoologists often describe it as the Japanese version of the Tibetan Yeti. The first reports of the creature in the 1970s came from the slopes of Mount Hiba around Saijo and Hiwa in the Hiba District and Shobara in the Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Local folklore claims … Read more

Orang Bati

The Orang Bati seen as a large bat-like creature flying against a dark moon-lit sky

The Orang Bati is a cryptid from the folklore of Indonesia. The cryptid is a ferocious winged monkey- or bat-like creature supposedly native to the forested mountains of Seram (Ceram), the largest island in the Maluku (Moluccas) archipelago of eastern Indonesia, Southeast Asia. Reports have also come from Ambon, another mountainous and forested island, part … Read more


A Kaijin appears as a human with strange skin and appearance against a background of cherry blossom and mountains

Kaijin is a word in the Japanese language that means a strange, mysterious, legendary, or mythical humanoid (human-like) creature. Kaijins are human-like beings considered strange or mysterious because they have unusual, fantastical, or supernatural characteristics, abilities, or powers that make them different from regular humans. The popular terms in modern-day English language usage that closely … Read more